My Life~~Mein Leben (Flash Back)

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Sevilla, la ciudad del flamenco

After Madrid, Clement and I took a bus to Sevilla, a city of Flamenco.. i think...
This city is very beautiful... some part of it is like Malaysia... And we were very fascinated about it!!!

Below are some photos from there.

The city of Sevilla

Finally I have seen the "root" or "tail" of the rainbow. I heard that a pot of gold can be found at the tail. But I saw my own face in the water..

Pigeons like me!!!

After arriving at Sevilla, the sun was setting. This photo was taken then.

At Sevilla there are lots of big gardens, with lots of palm tree .. and lakes..

During the day of our arrival, it just happened that it was 3 holy kings day. There was a big parade on the street. The people on the parade they were throwing sweets to us!!!
Those spanishs have already prepared plastic bags or bags to collect sweets but Clement and I didnt know about it.

Nonetheless we still managed to collect many of them.

Jason: sweet~~~....

In Sevilla there is a big muslim palace, ( I have forgotten the name of it)
Below are some photos from there.

The 2 sceneries below have been used for postcards in Spain. I think mine are better!! :D

We visited a bull ring there too. Too bad that time there was no bull fighting. We went for a tour in the bull ring and was told about the story of the fighters and bulls.

Below are some photos there. Enjoy!!

The next trip will be to Malaga and Granada by bus.


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