My Life~~Mein Leben (Flash Back)

Monday, January 31, 2005

Project Management

I took a subject, Project Management. Other than that, there is a seminar for this subject.
What do we do during the seminar??

Seminar is only opened for about 20 students and it is on 1st come 1st serve basis. Then the students will be divided into 3 groups, guided by 3 company, which will later assign them a project to work on. The students will be given a real problem to solve and they are supposed to apply the project management skill which they have learnt during the lecture.

I was working with a project about isotope generator.

Project team. They are people from Sweden, Norway, Peru, Colombia, France, Germany and Malaysia!!

2 of the teammates were holding the final presentation.

We had a celebration during my last seminar.

Thats the professor.

My 2 teammates from France and Sweden.


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